INTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW Rybnik (29.08.2020), Poland
Our dogs were judged by Mr Vladimir Piskay
* JOHNNY Nightingale Gold – BOB Minor Puppy
* Cane Maestro MALBORO – Exc 3rd in Junior Class, co-owner: Jirina Miculkova, breeder: Svetlana Tsarik
* JUST DANCING QUENN Nightingale Gold Junior Winner, BOB Junior, BOS
* ONE DAY BABY Bohemian Touch CWC, R.CACIB breeder: Jirina Miculkova
We would like to thank the judge for appreciating our Jack Russells, Matt MacGregor for help with the handling, Magdalena Długosz for beautiful photos, my friends Kateřina Kaňová and David Krištof for lovely company and Jirina Miculkova for her huge support!